Terms and Conditions


Course reservations are confirmed upon receipt of a 50% deposit of the selected service per person. Payment of the balance should be made no later than the first day of the course.


In the event that weather conditions do not allow for the practice of the activity, courses will not be charged, and 100% of reservations will be refunded. As enthusiasts of the wind, we aim to share our passion with you, thus cancelling any course lacking the correct conditions for practice. Unsure of what to do in your free time? We’ll propose alternative activities that do not require wind (Stand Up Paddle: SUP, wing foil, wing skate, yoga). If conditions change during a course, preventing its completion, a prorated duration will be calculated, with the option to refund the difference or provide a voucher for future use.

Organization and schedule

Our lessons are structured in shifts. We operate in 2-hour shifts for private classes, and 3-hour shifts in semi-private classes (2 students with an instructor). Classes may take place between 9 am and 6 pm, depending on conditions and, especially, the wind.

The instructor is free to choose the schedule, organize courses, and select suitable equipment. Modifications to the schedule and pedagogical objectives may occur based on weather conditions or student aspirations. Students must be ready and available for schedule changes; otherwise, their absence will not lead to rescheduling or refunds. Some courses may be longer to anticipate or compensate for less favourable wind conditions. The duration will be considered in the total course hours.

Risks inherent to kitesurfing

Kitesurfing is an extreme sport, and rules given by the instructor must always be scrupulously followed. You understand and acknowledge that kitesurfing activities involve inherent dangers not completely eliminable by care, caution, teaching, or experience. You expressly and voluntarily assume any risk of personal injury or death while participating, regardless of negligence by exempted parties.

Kitesurfing is an outdoor sport in natural open areas with boundaries to be respected. It depends on inherently random and sometimes unpredictable weather conditions. Always accompany experts on downwinders and inquire about weather conditions.


Coco Kite School takes no responsibility for property damages or bodily injury of any kind. Also it doesn‘t take responsibility for theft or loss of personal items.

Equipment breakage

During the course, if safety instructions are followed, the school is responsible for any equipment breakage, as the student is not yet considered autonomous. In case of non-compliance with safety information by the student, the cost will be shared (50% school – 50% student). For advanced navigation, freestyle, rental, or supervised courses, the student is considered autonomous and responsible for their equipment. The deterioration or loss of any school equipment is entirely the student’s responsibility (100%) and will be billed in full.


Liability insurance (RC) is mandatory for kitesurfing, covering risks to others resulting from inadvertent manoeuvres causing damage to third parties. Coco Kite School provides you with Colasistencia Extremo and Colasistencia Visitor Extremo during beginner courses or kite trips. Not applicable for rental or assistance services, or advanced courses.

Postponement and cancellation


Cancellation by the student is possible with the prior agreement of both parties under the following conditions:

  • A course cancelled one week or more prior to the first scheduled session will be fully refunded.
  • A course cancelled less than one week prior to the first scheduled session will retain the 50% reservation deposit. 

Cancellation cases

Depending on the number of participants in the semi-private course, the course duration varies:

  • If a semi-private course has only 1 participant, it becomes a private lesson with a duration of 2 hours (instead of 3 hours) at no additional cost.
  • Non-attendance in a registered course results in full billing for that course or counting the hours completed that day by the instructor.

Cancellation by the School: 

  • Client/Student is obliged to take care of his/her own safety, safety of other participants and other persons in vicinity. Student must be in the best of health and has to declare any medical conditions that may affect his/her or others safety whilst participating in kitesurfing / surfing lessons. When in doubt, Coco Kite recommends consulting a family doctor.
  • During the practicing of kitesurfing or any type of lessons student should not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other sedatives. The lessons are managed by instructors and Coco Kite. The student has to consider and respect their instructions during the practice. The instructor may suspend a student from the lessons, if he/she is behaving dangerously. In this case Coco Kite will not refund any money.


  • We accept postponement with prior agreement of minimum a week.
  • A course postponed less than one week prior to the first scheduled session will retain the reservation deposit except in the case of a family death, personal accident or serious illness which prevents the student from completing the course following the safety protocols.

Compliance with Instructions and Equipment

In a kitesurfing course, you agree to respect:

  • Instructor instructions,
  • Safety rules and given advice,
  • Entrusted equipment,
  • Sites and surroundings where you will operate.
  • Use kitesurfing equipment reasonably and safely to avoid endangering human lives or property. 
  • You acknowledge and agree that:
    1. You are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
    2. You are in good health with no conditions affecting kitesurfing practice,
    3. You are not pregnant or breastfeeding,
  • You have no mental disability affecting judgement or interfering with information provided during kitesurfing practice.
  • You can swim in deep waters.


These general terms and conditions constitute a contract of reciprocal commitment between the two parties. The school commits to respecting the terms as a minimum. Any other decision is amicably concluded between the student and the instructor. If different, it can only be more advantageous for the student. Booking or taking a lesson implies full and unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions.

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